Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Highwaymen art (sort of)

Rather than talk about the art, I'm in a mood to get personal write about people.
As 2013 dawns and Christmas was last week, I am still overwhelmed (and a little embarrassed) by the generosity of my family and friends. I hereby officially state for the record how blessed and extremely thankful I am.
Take my wife........PLEASE.
No, no, no, she knows I'm kidding. She's a keeper. That explains our forty years together as a team. When I introduce her to someone new, I'll usually say, "This is my first wife, Carol."
Well, it's true.
Then I'll tell them that we've been "happily married for about 10 years." Yes, that sometimes causes confusion considering our similar ages, especially if she happens to smile, which I believe may be directly proportional to glasses of wine consumed.
She's a Middle School teacher, language arts, one of those teachers with an enormous heart and a sense of dedication and a work ethic that's awe inspiring to witness. Many people put teachers in one big general category of overpaid workers with a short day's work and many vacations, including a couple of summer months. Unfortunately there is no shortage of teachers who coast through their days, disdainful of their responsibilities while watching the clock. Carol loves her students, but takes no prisoners and demands their respect. She'll deal out discipline as well as affection. I'll spare you the discussion about nonsensical students' and parents' "rights" in the new millenium.
Julia Childs and Emeril Lagasse would writhe on the floor in ecstasy after one of her holiday Turkey dinners such as we enjoyed on Christmas. Carol's talent shines in the kitchen as well as her professional life. My main contribution to these dinners is to make piles of stuffing, mashed potatos and gravy disappear. After dinner, I make sure I'm highly visible to everyone clearing a few plates and rinsing a few dishes and then stealthily disappear and go take a nap.
I am also thankful for my three kids and Carol's older sister Ellie, who flies down here to paradise from the frozen north every couple of years to tirelessly bake pies, cookies and fudge.
Mmmmmmmm, FUDGE.
Happy New Year everyone, and I hope you don't mind this slight intrusion.
2012 was a better year for business than 2011 and 2010.
Since collectibles market go in cycles, we can all hope together that the trend continues.