Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Alfred Hair

I've seen an awful lot of unsigned Alfred Hair paintings at this point, maybe a hundred, maybe more. I no longer find it to be unusual. It was less than important to have a signature on these things forty years ago, it was only important to get 'em painted and sold.

I happen to have two unsigned Hair 24x36's, available right now, that the Tysons (remember them ?) have consigned to me to sell for them.

Occasionally, a little while after I sell one from inventory, the Twilight Zone effect comes into play, dimensions shift, life and the after-life intermingle, and these very same paintings appear on eBay with signatures. I have no idea how many times they have changed hands since I sold them, but................

I can document at least three such instances.

I felt it was my duty, as a protector of the naive, to fight the good fight and do what I could to get them removed from their listings, so far, successfully.
( I pause now to pat myself on the back.)
I'm not the police, but is fraudulent to forge signatures.

There is a fairly nice unsigned four footer on eBay right now. Scroll way down on the listing to see a special offer.


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