Thursday, February 11, 2010

Highwaymen, NOT.....Just learned this today.......

.......and it relates to my opinion stated on Dec 3, which follows :

Tiger's in Florida, right ? And in the news, right?
And I imagine most everyone has been inundated with the story of the Thanksgiving evening car crash, on private property, in Windmere Florida. If you follow sports news, as I do, you can't escape it. Personally, I'm mostly disgusted by the "enquiring minds want to know" atmosphere that seems to be permeating our society. I don't watch Inside Edition, or TMZ, or any of that other crap that glorifies celebrity gossip and scandal. I'm big on personal privacy. Real big.

Here's what I learned this morning, I imagine it's true, I didn't check :

Did you know that Tiger made the front page of the New York Post for 20 consecutive days after Thanksgiving? The previous record was 19 consecutive days dedicated to the 9/11 attacks.

The Big Rotten Apple. High society, eh ?

Hey, wait, I glorifying celebrity gossip and scandal ?

Nah...I'm just sayin', it ain't right.

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